University hospital

  • University hospital  1
  • University hospital  2
  • University hospital  3
  • University hospital  1
  • University hospital  2
  • University hospital  3
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Commissioned by El Bosque University in cooperation with governmental organization Compensar, Sempergreen Colombia supplied Sedum-mix blankets to create two totally different green roofs. In total the two green roofs cover an area of 947 m2.

Flat green roof simulates forest atmosphere to create healing environment

The first green roof is a flat roof on top of the university hospital. Since the Spanish word “bosque” in the name of the El Bosque University means forest, the architect’s aim was to create an environment that simulates the forest. He therefore made use of a great variety of plants - including Sedum mats -  that would require low water consumption and easy maintenance. The attractive forest atmosphere creates a healing environment for the patients as well as a relaxing environment for the employees.

Sloped green roof adds to biophilia

The second green roof concerns a sloped roof on top of a chapel which alludes to a traditional one. Since this roof can be seen from many places throughout the building, the designer and installer decided to cover the roof with green. The roof’s inclination is not as vertical as to install a green wall, and not flat enough to create a normal garden. Therefore they decided to install Sempergreen Sedum mats to create a lush sloped green roof, using a special fixing system for inclined surfaces. This eye-catching green roof makes an important contribution to biophilia, the human tendency to interact or be closely associated with other forms of life in nature.