Solar panels or green roof? No need to choose anymore!

The era of either/or is over; from now on it's both/and! A combination of green roofs and solar panels is not only incredibly sustainable, but now also incredibly easy! With Over Easy Solar's vertical bifacial PV units, it is now easier than ever to generate solar energy on a green roof. So being green is really easy! 

What makes the combination of a Sempergreen Green Roof with Over Easy Solar vertical PV units so special? 

This sustainable Solar green roof combines (lightweight) Sedum roofs with double-sided, vertically mounted solar panels. Over Easy Solar's lightweight Solar unit is ballast-free, so it is suitable for almost any type of flat roof. So, also for existing green roofs. Installation lives up to the name because that too is easy. These Plug & Play units are 10 times faster to install than conventional Solar systems. You start by installing a (lightweight) green roof system, add the Over Easy Solar units and have it connected by an E-installer.

And how about maintenance? That too is incredibly easy. Because Over Easy Solar's units are installed vertically, they stay cleaner than most horizontally installed PV panels. Moreover, there is enough space between the panels for walking, making maintenance on the green roof very easy.

System structure for lightweight solar sedum roof and solar detention roof

Download lightweight solar sedum roof system

Download solar detention roof system

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With a nomination for the Best Innovation Award from Solar Solutions, it is also evident within the Solar World that the combination roof from Sempergreen and Over Easy has a great deal to offer.

So what are the unique features? 

Vertically installed so 100% space for greenery

One of the major advantages of using these vertical PV units is that there is 100% space for greenery on the roof. Because of the vertical installation, the green roof receives sufficient light and rainwater, and since the solar system is ballast-free, no plant needs to give way. 

Bifacial so high electricity yield

The bifacial solar panels capture light on two sides leading to higher energy yields. Energy is also generated during winter, when the sun is still low, even when there are snowy conditions, because thanks to the vertical arrangement the cells are not covered with snow. The highest energy yield occurs with an east-west orientation, as this optimises the capture of sunlight both in the morning and in the (late) afternoon.  

Snow-covered green roof with bifacial solar panels

Lightweight so suitable for almost any flat roof 

Whereas until recently almost all Solar systems have required additional ballast, Over Easy's Solar system is ballast-free. Over Easy's Solar units are lightweight and designed so that they can be installed ballast-free in almost all cases. No danger of being blown away. After extensive testing in wind tunnels, it has been proven that the design of the Over Easy Solar units is and remains lightweight. This saves time during installation, and a lot of weight on the (green) roof. Truly Plug & Play and we green lovers are extremely happy about that. 

Bifacial so not one but two energy spikes 

Unlike conventional Solar systems that capture most energy in the middle of the day, Over Easy Solar offers two energy peaks in both the morning and afternoon. This ensures more even energy distribution and reduces the risk of grid overload. So by installing Over Easy Solar's innovative panels on our green roofs, Sempergreen not only reduces climate impact, but also contributes to a smarter, more resilient electricity system.  

Representation of the two energy capture peak moments of double-sided panels (yellow) versus the single energy capture peak moment of conventional panels (grey)

Representation of the two energy capture peak moments of double-sided panels (yellow) versus the single energy capture peak moment of conventional panels (grey).

Green is the new black

When solar panels are surrounded by greenery, the indirect radiation intensity is much higher than when there are no plants around the panels. Besides this increase in radiation intensity (and thus increase in yield), the green roof lowers the temperature of the panels themselves and the overall roof temperature is also brought down, which in turn benefits the overall energy yield of the solar panels.  

Another great advantage of Over Easy Solar's panels is the fact that these vertical panels do not reflect sunlight when overlooking the green roof. This is also a big advantage for aviation. 

This unique energy production profile with two peak production cycles per day, more productive hours and good performance during winter conditions sets the Over Easy Solar system apart from conventional Solar systems. The ballast-free installation makes Over Easy Solar panels the ideal solar partner for our green roofs. Download the product sheet of the Over Easy Solar unit here.

See technical and electricity data here  

Green Roofs and Solar Roofs no longer have to compromise on each other. From now on, it will be even easier to make roofs optimally sustainable with both solutions. And let's be honest, isn't it a beautiful sight?  

Extensive green roof with vertical over easy PV panels