FAQs about green roofs

We are regularly asked the following questions about a green roof. Click on the question to read the corresponding answer. If your question is not listed here, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to help you.

Questions about green roofs

  1. What is a green roof?
  2. What is an extensive green roof?
  3. Why an extensive green roof rather than an intensive green roof?
  4. What are the advantages of a green roof?
  5. Can a green roof be installed on all types of roofing material?
  6. Can you walk on a green roof?
  7. Can a green roof withstand frost?
  8. Does a green roof have an insulating effect?
  9. Does a green roof make a roof waterproof?
  10. Does a green roof buffer water?
  11. Is a green roof sustainable?
  12. Is a green roof biodiverse?
  13. Is a green roof eligible for BREEAM or LEED credits?
  14. How much does a green roof weigh?

Questions about vegetation blankets

  1. What is a vegetation blanket?
  2. Which plants can be used on my green roof?
  3. What is Sedum?
  4. Why are vegetation blankets more suitable for my green roof than plant plugs?

Questions about deliveries

  1. What is the delivery lead time for vegetation blankets?
  2. How is transport arranged for Sempergreen products?
  3. How long can a vegetation blanket remain rolled up?

Questions about installing a green roof

  1. How can I install a green roof myself?
  2. Does Sempergreen install green roofs itself?
  3. Can I install a green roof at any time of year?
  4. What is the maximum pitch possible for a green roof with vegetation blankets?

Questions about maintaining a green roof

  1. What is included in the maintenance of a green roof?
  2. Do I have to mow my green roof?